Melons are like us, they love booze! Use a melon baller to create beautiful little spears, and soak them in alcohol for a delicious treat!
These delicious little treats are super easy to make! They are great to serve at parties, or right in cocktails. They are delicious and refreshing! Plus you can make them using any type of Melons: cantaloupe, honeydew, or watermelon.
- 1 Cup Vodka(plain or flavored)
- Whole Cantaloupe, Honeydew, or Watermelon
- Use your Melon Baller to scoop out circular chucks out of the center of the Melon. Place balls and vodka into bowl. Cover, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours (or up to 3 days). We then placed our drunken balls on Bamboo Picks, and served them just as they are. But, we think these are super fun and easy to get creative with in cocktails.